Read These Tips Before Bringing Home a New Cat!

Bringing home a new cat is one of the most exciting things in life. It is also a decision that requires a lot of thought beforehand since it involves the life of a precious animal. So, here are some things to consider before bringing home a new cat to make sure it’s a good fit.

Find Out If Anyone In Your Home Is Allergic

You’ll want to make sure that the cat you’re bringing home will be welcomed with open arms. If someone living there has severe allergies this could be a serious problem. Cats get accustomed to their environments and can be territorial. Therefore, it is not right to bring home a new cat only to discover soon after that he or she isn’t welcome. Luckily there are many options available for managing allergies but the person has to be open to this.

Stock Up On Cat Furniture And Cat Toys

Get the items you think your cat will want before bringing the cat home. This should include their wet and dry food as well as finding a place for their cat furniture. A lot of cats like to have a bed of their own so you should pick a place for the cat bed. They’ll also need a large cat tower, a cat litter box, a scratching post or two, and a bunch of cat toys. Cats love being up high too so you should think about putting cat furniture up on your walls. This is a great way to give your new cat a safe space of their own to escape to if there are children or other pets in the home. The best cat shelves are ones that are sturdy and are usually made from wood or metal. Cat wall shelves from The Refined Feline are a great option because. Their modern cat furniture is beautiful so that you will love it too.

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Have The Time To Do A Slow Introduction

Talk to any young kids you have before bringing your new cat home. You’ll want to explain that cats need rest and are delicate creatures. You should wait to introduce them only when the cat and your kid are both ready. Keep a close eye on them both when they’re playing with each other. Eventually, they’ll develop an amazing bond that will lead to years of great memories. 

Other animals should be introduced by smelling one another underneath a closed door first. Once your pets are comfortable with each other’s scents from underneath the door you can slowly introduce them. Don’t leave them alone though, you don’t want the alpha cat playing too rough with the new cat. You can prevent this by making sure the new cat isn’t intruding on your other cat’s things. Keep sleeping spots and their favorite items with them so that they don’t get territorial.

Your New Cat Will Need A Quiet And Calm Environment

When you interact with your new cat, do it in a soft voice. Pet your cat gently and mimic their body language by slow blinking at them. Your new friend will eventually trust you completely, and grow into a typical housecat. 

Make Sure Your Cat Has Their Own Space

Find a place that the kitten can call its own for the first few days in their new home. Your new cat will most likely be afraid to come out and say hello at first. So, make sure to provide a nice hiding place. The space should be safe and not too bright, with food and water available nearby. When your kitten is home and inside the carrier, put it down and open the door of the carrier. Let your new cat emerge as they feel comfortable doing so and be sure the food and water is close by. Wanting to be around your new cat constantly is only natural but make sure to follow your cat’s cues and body language. If your cat runs away, let them have their space. They will come around soon enough.


Make Sure You Are Prepared Before Bringing Home A New Cat

Before you know it, your new cat will ignore you, yet demand all of your attention. They will make you laugh, make you cry, and steal your heart all at the same time. Owning a cat is one of the greatest pleasures in life and their love is unconditional. Make sure to think this decision through fully before taking a cat’s life into your hands.